Ekati Mine is the proud recipient of the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Mining and Exploration (MAX) Award.
The MAX Awards celebrate excellence across the many areas that our industry contributes to the Northwest Territories (NWT). MAX Award recipients have all played an enormous role in responsible and successful resource development; generating opportunities and demonstrating leadership in their respective categories. Contributions include finding and developing resources, engaging with the public and governments, ensuring Indigenous participation, creating jobs and business benefits, and training northerners, all of which adds to the well-being of the NWT.
The Max Awards Gala takes place yearly in November as part of the Yellowknife Geoscience Forum and is co-sponsored by the Government of NWT and the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines.
The Environmental, Social and Governance Award honors outstanding achievements in two areas:
- Outstanding initiative, leadership, stewardship and accomplishment in protecting and preserving the natural environment
- Establishing good community relations during an exploration program or operation of a mine
There are four other categories in which the following receipts have been recognized:
- Economic Leadership Award – Cheetah Resources/Nechalacho Mine
- Indigenous Achievement – Tłîchô Government
- Distinguished Service – Northwest Territories Geological Survey
- Women in Mining Award – Gaeleen MacPherson
- Safety Leadership – Diavik Diamond Mine
“Thank you to the entire Ekati workforce for your contribution to the achievement of this recognition,” said Rory Moore, President and CEO, who accepted the award on behalf of Arctic Canadian.
Gahcho Kué and Diavik Mines, were also recognized alongside Ekati in the Environmental, Social and Governance category.